We develop and produce test and measuring equipment for testing Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE). Some of our products can be used as an Adapter which simulates EV and thus enables access to mains system of tested EVSE. In this case all safety measurements will be done by using an Installation Tester in accordance with IEC/EN 61557 standard.
Combined testers offer both, to be used as an adapter to be used as described above and functionality tester that can carry our measurements according to IEC/EN 61851-1 standard.
Depending on a client’s specific requirements or particular market demands we develop and implement complete hardware and software systems with diverse measurements inside each system.

NEW Product
CST-322 (Advanced Charging Station Tester)
The CST-322 Charging Station Tester is designed to test functionality and safety of Mode 2 and Mode 3 single-phase and three-phase Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) with fixed cable or direct socket connection. EVSE could be tested in accordance with IEC/EN 61851-1 and IEC/HD 60364-7-722 functional standards.

On Development
CST-122 (Charging Station Tester Adapter)
The CST- 122 Charging Station Test adapter is designed to test functionality and safety of Mode 2 and Mode 3 single-phase and three-phase Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) with fixed cable or direct socket connection. The adapter can simulate Electrical Vehicle (EV), charging cable and some most common errors that may occure on EV according to IEC/EN 61851-1 and IEC/HD 60364-7-722 functional standards.